Consequences of urbanization on mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis)
Consequences of land use conversion on stress physiology in amphibiansWe have developed a method to obtain water-borne hormones from frogs, tadpoles and salamanders. Read more on Froglog 106: 84
Unisexual-Bisexual Mating System (Poecilia formosa-P. mexicana-P. latipinna)
We study the maintenance of the all female species, the Amazon molly. We focus on male species recognition mechanisms from ultimate and proximate perspectives.
The two parental species of Amazon mollies and an Amazon molly in the center (rt side)
Distribution of mollies
Male Atlantic molly mating with a female Atlantic molly (lft) and female sailfin molly
A short article about the conservation related research we are doing in the Conservation Behaviorist– pdf
A short video of a male sailfin molly mating with a female sailfin molly while an Amazon and a competitor male watches
San Marcos Salamander (Eurycea nana)
We study the effects of introduced predators on the San Marcos salamander and Barton springs salamanders (E. sosorum).
Read more on The Conservation Behaviorist 2013 p. 2-3.